“Up In The Air” Workbook

Welcome to the “Up In The Air” Workbook. I hope that each child enjoys the variety of tasks and questions. This workbook is suitable for: 5th/6th class, Junior Cycle and LCA students.

Download “Up In The Air” free 65 page Workbook here.


Up In The Air has been written for the enjoyment and education of older primary school pupils, right up to children in their teenage years.

If you would like some information in relation to our class-set reduction, then please forward an email to me with the number of students in your class.

Email : stapleton_patrick@yahoo.co.uk

Be sure to keep an eye on my social media page for the addition of future class resources in relation to Up In The Air.

Schools using the Up In The Air Book

Dualla School

Ballinahinch School

Templemore School

Thomastown School